Aion Newsletter - PvP Ponderings

by on Dec 06, 2009

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In the Community

PvP was advertised as a big part of Aion's gameplay. 
Now that many players are reaching the Abyss and engaging in this
type of combat some aren't sure it is all that PvP could be.

What are you thoughts on PvP in Aion?  Is it as it should be or
is there work to be done?  Chime in on the hot discussion

on our forums

I'm not a hardcore player versus player kind of person. I've PvPed in nearly
every MMO I've played to some extent, but it is rarely something I seek out and
it will never be my focus in gaming.

I do, however, like to keep my options open. One of the biggest things that drew
me to Aion was the concept of semi-open world, non-negotiable PvP.
Whether you want it or not, BAM! it is there and potentially facing an opponent
becomes a consideration in nearly everything you do. It offers the old school
feel of Ultima Online without the full scale pain in the rear that you
get with truly open world PvP.  All the danger, less of the annoyance.

I am seeing a lot of complaints regarding the game's PvP though and I'm not sure
I understand it fully.  Balance issues I totally get.  Availability
concerns, these are very understandable to me.  The complaints regarding
the harshness of open PvP, that I don't get.  Do players not remember what
open PvP entails?

Perhaps I've been ganked a few too many times in my life making me more
compliant to this sort of gameplay but I think perhaps gamers have forgotten the
trials of older generation PvP and have become a bit too comfortable with
structure arena style gameplay or instanced battlegrounds. Open world PvP is a
glorious thing and even if you have your rear handed to you 9 times out of 10,
that one time when you win you know that it's because you are rocking your mad

I'm definitely not saying that Aion's PvP doesn't have its problems. 
I think the game could greatly use a serious look at diminishing rewards to
prevent lower level ganking and class balance needs a little tweaking but
overall, I'm still in it for open PvP.  Nothing makes me happier than a
sense of danger in my gaming even if I just got popped when I was AFK.

Do you have a PvP wish list?  Is it open PvP all the way for you or would
you rather have things more controlled?  Let us know your thoughts by
posting here


Aion Site Lead


Did you know that you can view your character, gear, stats,
broker, and mail info online?
My Aion lets you
view all of your characters vital stats and leveling history.  You can see
what unread mail you have in your inbox, check out what has sold on the broker,
and leave notes for your friends. It's a fun way to stay connected to the game
even when you can't be in game.

href="" target="_blank">
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Skills 25-50
- Another great class skill list completed! Come see
what the future holds for your Chanter.

Sorcerer Stigma List
- Picking out stigmas is a little easier when
you know your options. Find out what you have available via this list!

Armorsmithing levels 1-99
- Find out how to get started in making

Breaking Down Aion Visions
- Get a closer look at the video trailer
and some thoughts on when these great features might be showing up.

Assassin PvP Guide
- Get solid tips on how to survive PvP with your

Spiritmaster Stigma List
- Got the right stigmas for you?  Take
a look and see if you can do better.


Blogger's Perspective on Aion
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how the game is fairing.
Vision Trailer Not Any One Expansion
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would be in one update? Seems not!
Aion's DreamHack Recap
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explode?  Well now they do..sorta.
Korean Aion Gets iPhone App
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Podcast Interviews CM Tamat
- Learn more about the Aion rep and hear
a bit about future plans for the game. The
MMO Gamer Reviews Aion
- Get another new perspective on the game's
early levels.

If you have questions, comments or suggestions for our
newsletter please feel free to drop me
an e-mail
any time!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016