Superhero Failure--it's

In the MMOG industry, few individuals are as vocal or strong willed as
Jack Emmert, Chief Creative Officer for Cryptic Studios. While being
very knowledgeable about all things MMOG related, Emmert also has a
distinct love for comic books. In a featured article on the Champions
Online official site, Emmert discussed why some super heroes succeed
while others fail and how Cryptic is employing some of the techniques
he discusses into Champions Online.

I think characters with failed titles tend to fall
into categories
where it's very, very hard to identify with them. Aquaman. Well, he's a
king of an underwater kingdom. OK, interesting – but how does that
relate to me? Hawkman. A reincarnated Egyptian stuck in a relationship
for eternity. I'm sure many of us have felt like we were in inescapable
relationships, but I don't think we want to read about one every month!
Iron Man. Really rich guy. Totally smart. Gets all the women he wants.
None of these elements exactly strike a chord with the common man.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016

About The Author

Karen is H.D.i.C. (Head Druid in Charge) at EQHammer. She likes chocolate chip pancakes, warm hugs, gaming so late that it's early, and rooting things and covering them with bees. Don't read her Ten Ton Hammer column every Tuesday. Or the EQHammer one every Thursday, either.
