Destiny 2: Secret DLC Area Discovered
Mesa Sean has an excellent news update posted to YouTube.
Here is the breakdown:
There is a Trove Knight at Anchor of Light who when killed spawns floating platforms. There is also one at the HellMouth. Jumping across the platforms takes you to a chest that gives you decent rewards.
Buildcrafting is going to be more complex than in the past.
Heavy Ammo will now spawn less frequently in Crucible. Mesa Sean feels that we should go back to the Destiny 1 model where you got one dollop of Heavy Ammo and then..... that's it. I have to agree there there is a lot of Heavy spam in Crucible right now. It remains to be seen if the less frequent drops will have much of an effect. Let's ride it out and see. Until then... here's a rocket to the face.
Mesa Sean suggests going to see Asher Mir to bump up your power level.
Lunar Shell is for sale (for Silver). Not only does it give you bonus XP, but it has the Speed Demon Perk which speeds up the summon time of vehicles and reloads your weapons while you ride.
Festival of the Lost will begin on the 29th.
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