Season of Dawn will bring back a legend, Saint-14, but who is he?
There are holes bigger than Mercury in the lore for Saint-14, giving Season of Dawn plenty to work with when it comes to narrative.
During the live stream the developers made that statement that Saint-14 was the most "Lawful Good" character that they created in the Destiny universe. If you didn't have the opportunity to watch the live stream you can do so now via the video below. It was an interesting, unpolished look at what is coming down the pipe in Season of Dawn.
Saint-14's story is likely to be a story about morals. We know that he has a strong attachment to the people of the city. Will his decisions be swayed due to that attachment? We hope to find out soon.
On the Darkness
Saint-14's position on the darkness is pretty clear. He believes that is an alien force, powerful and tangible. He likens it to an invading armada.
Byf believe that Saint-14's world view is solely focused on the people of the city and their protection.
He has posted a fantastic video explaining the Origins and Accolades of Saint-14. Well worth the watch if you have any interest in the lore of Destiny 2.
Saint-14 is a selfless, dedicated saviour of his people.
What are your thoughts on bringing "back" Saint-14 in Season of Dawn? Does it make you want to play a Titan?
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