To kick off Guild Wars 2 Week on Ten Ton Hammer, we're offering our readers two chances to win a custom printed "Scarlet is Dead" t-shirt!
We've partnered up with our friends over at ArenaNet for the following giveaway opportunities, and they've graciously supplied us with 20 shirts to distribute to our readers. Before we dive into the details for each, here are some of the particulars to be aware of:
- Both giveaway opportunities will be open for submissions until Friday, July 4th at 11:59 EST.
- The "Scarlet is Dead" giveaways are open to North American residents only! Fear not if you live in another region - we'll be running another giveaway shortly that will be open to you as well!
- Winners for both giveaways will be announced next Monday, July 7.
- Multiple entries are totally fine (even encouraged!) but only one prize will be awarded per winner
- Each contest will have 10 winners, for a total of 20 total prizes
"Scarlet is Dead" Image Contest
Even though Scarlet is dead, she will still play an important role in Season 2. Likewise, many of the iconic characters that were introduced in Season 1 will no doubt continue to factor into events to varying degrees as well.
In that spirit, the first way to enter is to leave a comment on this page that includes an image based on your favorite characters from Living World Season One. Fan art, screenshots, or even comically altered screenshots are all fair game!
So if you're like me and have been secretly hoarding a stash of screenshots of Tiami and Jory to use in a series of /facepalm-worthy comic strips, now is the time to bust those puppies out and share them with the world.
"Scarlet is Dead" Poetry Contest
The way I was first introduced to the nature of Scarlet's character was via an interesting poem that arrived out of the blue in my mail one day. You can check it out on the right, though I'm sure GW2 fans who have followed Scarlet's storyline will no dobut already be familiar with it.
So for the second contest, we're asking our readers to post their best poetry based on the theme: "Scarlet is Dead". For this one, you'll want to head over to our official Facebook page to enter.
Any format you choose is perfectly fine.
Be creative and have fun with it. You're welcome to enter both contests, and as noted above multiple entries are totally fine.
We'll review the entries this weekend and then post the winners right here on Ten Ton Hammer next Monday, with prizes shipped later that week.
Good luck on both giveaways, and be sure to check back throughout the week for our ongoing Guild Wars 2 Week coverage!
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