Overwatch Tier List - Ilios

by on Nov 21, 2016

In this Overwatch Tier List Johnny H. offers up his thoughts, with his top-to-bottom rundown of power ranking picks by tier on Ilios

This page will always show the latest Overwatch tier list for ranked / competitive play specifically on Ilios. If you want to view our "overall" Tier List, you can do so here.

This Overwatch tier list is designed to rank Heroes in terms of their strength in the current meta on Ilios. Although some Heroes are considered balanced or niche, those that aren't Tier 1 or 2 shouldn't be considered poor. While any match can be won with any Hero, this list is designed to present you with the strongest choices on this map.

Tier List Descriptors

Tier 1 - These popular Heroes are used by the majority of teams, for the majority of any match. They are incredibly solid choices. 

Tier 2 - Very strong Heroes that are seen in nearly every match, but they are also regularly swapped in and out (80%-100% pickrate)

Tier 3 - Strong situational Heroes or Heroes that are played regularly, but not in every match due to team composition. Considered 'balanced' (40%-80% pickrate).  

Tier 4 - These Heroes are sometimes picked and often considered good, but they require teams to form around them or they’re Heroes that rely heavily on personal ability over composition (20-40% pickrate).

Tier 5 - Considered niche, these Heroes are situational or rarely see competitive play (Less than 5% pickrate)

Tier List Movement

Moved Mei from T4 to T3 Moved Ana from T5 to T3

Tier List

Tier 1





Lucio [Guide] Support Medium  Mobile, passive healing would be enough, but his speed boost gets your team to the point first which is incredibly important on this map.  Also, the alternate fire "push back" will send your enemies to their deaths off the edge of some points.  Reinhardt [Guide] Tank Easy His Barrier Field combined with a powerful Ultimate allows for great holds on maps like this.  Also allows your team to push into an entrenched defended point. 

Tier 2





D.Va [Guide] Tank Medium  Good damage in close quarters, reasonable armor and two lives (human form). She's predictable but tough.  Her ult clears points and that is very important on this map.  Roadhog [Guide]  Tank Medium Great sustain and his hook can pull enemies out of position or off the map. A very strong choice.

Tier 3





Ana [Guide] Support Hard Her skill ceiling is high and her kit isn't as impressive as some other Heroes.  McCree [Guide] Assault Medium Illios is about holding a point and McCree is deadly up close.  Bunched enemies are fodder for his ult.  Mei [Guide] Defence Hard Good self sustain, but there are better choices.  Mercy [Guide] Support Medium Resurrect on control point maps is strong, but she doesn't have many places to hide. Pharah [Guide] Assault Medium Her "E" is great for disrupting the enemy on the point or pushing them over edges.  Her damage is long range and AoE.  An excellent choice.  Reaper [Guide] Assault Medium If he can get on the point with support he's deadly.  Otherwise, just average.  Soldier 76 [Guide] Assault Easy An very useful ultimate (aim-bot!) and consistent, high damage. Easy to play but doesn't excel anywhere. Zarya [Guide] Tank Medium Solid projectile damage.  Shields for the team on those close quarters fights.  Control points are made for her ultimate; often sucking entire teams into her black hole.  Zenyatta [Guide] Support Medium A well rounded support. Fits well in most compositions.

Tier 4





Genji [Guide] Assault Hard Illios isn't as much about mobility as sustain and he doesn't have much.  Hanzo [Guide] Defence Medium Slow damage output, but can clear a point with his ult.  Junkrat [Guide] Defence Medium Great for forcing enemies off a point.  Trap plus landmine is superb for holding doorways or small chokes.  Tracer [Guide] Assault Hard Unrivaled mobility, a reset in "Recall" and an Ultimate ability that can easily clear a room (Pulse Bomb).  Widowmaker [Guide] Defence Medium In the right hands, she is an average to below average Hero on these maps.  In the wrong hands she is T5, nigh useless.  Winston [Guide] Tank Easy He can defend well with his barrier, but has poor damage as well as only his ultimate to disrupt.

Tier 5





Bastion [Guide] Defence Easy Powerful if the enemy doesn't know his position, he can be easily countered with a well placed Barrier or rocket.  Symmetra [Guide] Defence Easy Weak on these maps where a teleporter isn't as important. Her lack of dps hurts your team.  Torbjorn [Guide] Defence Easy Automated turrets are a nuisance but against a coordinated team, easily killed.  The lack of long kill zones hinders him on these maps. 

Last Updated: Nov 21, 2016