Loading... Liquid Lives

by on Jul 09, 2010

<p>Loading... is the premier daily MMOG newsletter, only from Ten Ton Hammer!</p> <p><strong>Welcome to the 1,372nd edition of Loading...</strong></p>

is the premier daily MMOG newsletter, only from Ten
Ton Hammer!

to the 1,372nd
of Loading...

As Ten Ton Hammer's ed-in-chief, I'm supposed to be a big-picture guy, separating the winners from the losers, separating genuine shifts in the evolution of online games from fads and gimmicks. It isn't easy in today's crazy game development landscape, and sometimes I have to think out loud about where all this is going. So put on your thinking cap and join me for Loading... Liquid Lives to close out the work week. We'll take a quick look at how bona-fide social trends have impacted and will continue to impact MMOG development.



You vote with what you
view at Ten Ton Hammer, and the
is the Ten Ton Pulse (What
is The Pulse?

top 5 Pulse results this week:

of Warcraft
(UP 1) Age
of Conan
(UP 1) Dungeons and Dragons Online (UP 4!) EVE Online href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/taxonomy/term/88">

movers today

href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/taxonomy/term/306">Jumpgate Evolution

UP 16 to #17 href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/taxonomy/term/287">Free Realms

- UP 7 to #16 href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/taxonomy/term/52">Pirates of the Burning Sea

- down 5 to #18 Recent Releases
- Age
of Conan: Rise of the Godslayer

(expansion) 5/26
Online: Tyrannis

(expansion) 5/27
- Craft
of Gods

(release) 6/9
- Mortal

(release) 6/29
- target="_blank">APB


13, 2010 - href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/taxonomy/term/1801"

- href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/taxonomy/term/2461"
for Speed World (release) August
17, 2010
- href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/taxonomy/term/140">City
of Heroes: Going Rogue (release) September
30, 2010
- href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/ffxiv" target="_blank">Final
Fantasy XIV
(release) style="font-weight: bold;">October
26, 2010

style="font-weight: bold;">November 2, 2010
- DC
Universe Online


style="font-weight: bold;">7/22 -
7/25 - target="_blank">Comic-Con
International style="font-weight: bold;">8/5 -
8/8 - href="http://events.station.sony.com/fanfaire/" target="_blank">SOE
Fan Faire 2010 style="font-weight: bold;">8/18 -
8/22 - href="http://www.gamescom-cologne.com/en/gamescom/home/index.php"
target="_blank">Gamescom 2010
style="font-weight: bold;">9/3 -
9/5 - href="http://www.paxsite.com/paxprime/index.php" target="_blank">PAX
Prime style="font-weight: bold;">9/3 -
9/6 - target="_blank">DragonCon style="font-weight: bold;">10/22 -
10/23 - href="http://us.blizzard.com/blizzcon/?rhtml=y" target="_blank">BlizzCon style="font-weight: bold;"> 3/24
3/26 (2011) - target="_blank">CCP

Loading... Daily

Sociologists have developed many a catchy term to describe the core gaming demographic, from Gen Y, Generation Next, to the Net Generation. The term I like best is Zygmunt Bauman's idea of "liquid modernity" - the idea that while life seemed solid for so much of human history (solid morals, jobs, values, family life), the increasing pace of social, political, and economic change has created a generation permanently in flux. Success is largely determined by who can bend the myriad transitions to their goals; goals such as knowledge, family, wealth, happiness, virtue, etc. that, conversely, really haven't changed much over the years.

Our liquid lives helped bring about online games. Technology aside, it's hard to imagine that such a concept would have sprung forth from an older age, when a person's entire community could be found within a 10 mile radius and that's likely the way that most people wanted it. Not to dismiss the many social and technological changes that made MMORPGs possible, but with the advent of the Internet and online games, we suddenly found ourselves playing alongside people from far off places- people that we're never likely to meet or perhaps even hear their voice or see their face. Joining up with a far-flung community of people with similar interests was a big part of the early magic of MMOGs for me, and I hope most of you had a similar experience before the so-called third generation of MMOGs made cliquish, "bring your own guild" style interaction (or lack of interaction) the norm.

Liquids have a few common properties. For one, liquids expand to fit their container. For a while, MMOGs were the largest container you could find for online gaming, then came the monetization of Facebook and (to a lesser degree, due to platform explosion) mobile games. In terms of Facebook games, you could also say that another property of liquids is that they always flow to the lowest point, but it's the weekend and I'm really trying not to be snarky.

But where is this all going? What's the next stage of social development? That's the puzzler, because if things like the Internet and MMOGs sprung out of decades of post-WW2 liquid modernity, what will spring out of the next stage, assuming the liquid phase is almost spun out? Figure that out, and you'll make awesome stock picks and have a great retirement. If we follow Bauman's progression from solid to liquid, things are heating up (figuratively speaking, at least), and the next state of matter is gas. I'm really not sure what a gaseous life is like, but it really doesn't sound good on any level. Gases are insubstantial, they float at any whim and have to be consumed or controlled to come to any good use. Not fun.

Maybe it's just a side-effect from settling down in my own personal life, but I think things are starting to become a little more solid again. Economic hard times have forced us, in many cases, to return to our roots - to perhaps new (and old) takes on foundational concepts like family and community, spirituality, etc. that have sustained people through hard times throughout history. When the trappings of prosperity fall away, we're left primarily with what we had in the first place- each other.

And to bring the discussion back to games, I think that bodes well for social games and particularly MMOGs in the future, since they do offer some solidity in a changing world. Whether you're at home, working in a strange place or abroad, or perhaps even on deployment, you can log into a community of people that enjoy many of the same things you do. In a sea of social and economic changes, online communities have always been sort of a nice island getaway.

What's your take on social trends and MMOGs? Are you leading a liquid life, and do online games and communities re-introduce some solidity? Do you think this will be more or less the case in the future? Tell us in the Loading... forum, and have a great weekend!

Ethec's Epic Thread of
the Day

From our Tavern of the Ten Ton Hammer

Getting her to play again.

Poor Darke's wife has succoumbed to the temptations of Facebook gaming. In his words: "I grow weary of wandering digital worlds alone...and I swear if I keep hearing Bejewled Blitz in the background things are going to get ugly!" He's looking for MMORPG suggestions that have a solid quotient of cuteness, competitiveness, depth, and style. What's your suggestion? Surely you can do better than, /gasp, Hello Kitty Online Adventures, or this one:


Awesome Quotes from the
Epic Thread

"Delete her facebook account and then set up a parental block to block that site for good?"

- Beerkeg

"You guys trying to get me killed?"

- Darke


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Today at Ten Ton Hammer

6 Ten Ton Hammer
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Guild Wars 2: The Evolution of Death in Tyria

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The Races of Guild Wars 2: The Asura

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EverQuest 2 Bard Sample Alternate Advancement Specs

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for visiting the Ten Ton Hammer network!

- Jeff "Ethec" Woleslagle and the Ten Ton Hammer Team.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016