Reloading... Twas the Night Before PAX Prime

by on Aug 26, 2011

Sardu's geared up and exploring PAX Prime. What goods are in store? Sardu reveals it all...

Welcome back to Reloading...  62nd edition! 

“Reality is merely an illusion, abeit a very persistent one.” – Albert Einstein


Everyone can use a feel good moment to start the day.   Let’s go with this…

‘Twas the night before PAX Prime, and all through Seattle, thousands of gamers were stirring drinks and pretending to be a mouse. Or their favorite video game characters, as the case may be, depending on which cosplay they’ll be sporting this weekend.

After securing my media badge earlier yesterday I spent a little time stalking around the convention center. Not only is it a great chance to get a feel for the space before the gamer stampede kicks off, but it also gave me the opportunity to speak with some our friends from Turbine, Runic, and ArenaNet before the madness begins.

On my way back to the hotel I also had an idea for some aspiring mobile games developer to borrow or claim as its own. For all I know something like this already exists, for that matter. The game would be a mobile MMO called Crosswalk of the Dead, neatly capitalizing on the current pop culture obsession with zombies. Much like the mindless masses seen milling around downtown Seattle intersections, gameplay would consist of a Frogger-like shambling across the road to see who survives without getting run down by an assortment of taxis, sports cars, and mini-vans controlled by other players.

Yes, these are the kinds of things that randomly decide to take up residence in my brain on a fairly consistent basis. Thankfully I’ll have plenty of actual games on the brain this weekend as I swoop down on PAX Prime like only a Ten Ton Hammer could. I’ve got appointments lined up with some of the industry’s heaviest hitters, and will be reporting on each of them as quickly as my cybernetic brain implants and robotic fingers will allow.

Starting the show off in style, this morning I’ll be attending the first of my appointments with BioWare for Star Wars: The Old Republic, followed by my first look at the newest MMO on the NCsoft block, WildStar.

Next on the menu is Guild Wars 2. Not only will I be getting the lowdown on PvP and the first details on the third novel in the Guild Wars series, but also have some hands-on time scheduled with the game. For the GW2 necromancer fans out there, be sure to bookmark where I’ll be posting some additional coverage from the event.

Rounding out the day I’ll be meeting with Turbine to discuss the upcoming LotRO expansion, Rise of Isengard, heading over to the En Masse studio for some hands-on with TERA, and getting an updated look at Torchlight II. Somewhere in there I’ll also be meeting up with the folks from Red 5 to get some hands-on time with PvP in Firefall. Red 5 is promoting the game in a big way at PAX this year, with the game featured on banners, escalators and just about every other surface where the Firefall logo could be displayed both in- and outside of the convention center.

All told tomorrow will be a pretty killer day as far as event schedules go, and that’s just the first day of three. As long as I don’t get smeared across the crosswalk while shambling through an intersection on my way to or from the event, I’ll be writing up a storm throughout the weekend and into next week. Hopefully once the event wraps up the real storm that’s about to smack the east coast in the face won’t prevent my return trip home, but between now and then I’ll enjoy my time at one of the best industry events of the year.

Reuben "Sardu" Waters

Torchlight II Reveals Embermage Class and Price Point at Pax Prime 2011

Runic Games has revealed the newest class for Torchlight II, the Embermage, as well as the price of the eagerly anticipated game. The Embermage is a powerful warrior-wizard known for their offensive spellpower.

Camp Our Spawn to Win a LOTRO: Rise of Isengard Beta Key!

Most players will have to wait for launch in late September to experience all that Rise of Isengard has to offer, but we've got a handful of beta keys for Ten Ton Hammer members. Here's what you have to do...

End of Nations Customization and Gameplay with Petroglyph's Mike Legg - Video

A unit-by-unit intro to End of Nations, plus a never before seen look at unit customization, unit abilities, and commander abilities (including nuclear weapons) in our newest EoN video starring Petroglyph co-founder Mike Legg.

Global Agenda's Largest Expansion to Date Arriving in Early Fall

Hi-Rez Studios today announced details about the game’s largest expansion yet with the Recursive Colony themed open zone and new co-op content.

Funcom Unveils Intro Trailer for The Secret World

On the eve of registration, Funcom has launched a new intro trailer for The Secret World that shows just what players are in for when they set foot into a world where conspiracy, myth and legend are all real.

Faxion Online to Cease Operation within 30 Days

The game has only been in full operation since its May 26th launch, but according to a recent post on the Faxion Online forums, the game will cease operation sometime within the next 30 days.

APB Reloaded Swag Giveaway

Good guys, bad guys and fast cars--that's what APB: Reloaded is all about. APB, originally cancelled in 2010, has been retooled and is gearing up for its free-to-play relaunch in November, 2011.

If you're revved up about this online chase game, designed by the creator of the Grand Theft Auto franchise, then we've got the goods for you. Our trip to gamescom yielded some APB swag, and we want to give our premium members a shot at winning it. Here's what you could get:

An APB: Reloaded t-shirt (size XL) a branded tote bag a super cool 1 GB bullet-shaped zip drive

All you need do to win is be a premium member and enter your deets here

Welcome to the PlayerScore Database Alpha release!

We're working on a full-featured World of Warcraft database to accompany PlayerScore. For now, we've just cracked the door open to give you a peek at what's to come.

Click here to browse the new PlayerScore database!

We'd also like to ask for your help. There's some information, such as mob drops and npc locations, that must be gathered in-game. We've run all over Azeroth and Outland, but without more help we'll never get it all ourselves. So, please consider downloading our AddOns to help.
Catch up on previous Reloading... articles in the Archives

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Lawyer Banned For Playing Games

From the Lost-And-Found-Dept.  –

Man Steals Baby items, Forgets Baby

From the Glazed-Feta-Dept. –

Greek Police Smash Doughnut Ring


Bruce Campbell was born on February 30.


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