Green decks are all about sustain, whether that's through the use of cards to heal your Towers, or the use of Regeneration to bolster your Heroes and creeps. While most people tend to hybridize Green decks (commonly with Blue), they're absolutely viable by themselves. With a Green deck, you'll find that it's a playstyle that's based on attrition. You won't be scalping enemy Heroes quickly, nor will you be quickly dealing damage to Towers. However, the use of healing ensures you can worm away at your opponent to slowly take their Hero and Tower health. Just be conscious of the fact that Green decks tend to be vulnerable to anti-spell Improvements, as you'll be delivering many into play in order to increase health and/or damage.
- Cost: +£10.00
- Purpose: In general this deck is designed to outlast most opposition, including Red and Black decks. Over time, you'll eventually take full control over multiple lanes if you keep your Heroes alive. Even if a Hero dies, typically you'll have another waiting to hold the lane.
- Strengths: Strong mid and late game, massive sustain, a strong counter to most Red decks.
- Weaknesses: Slow playstyle, no real burst until late game, poor lane clear.
- Card Variables: Generally speaking the deck is fine as is, but you can adjust active Spells, or Creep volume in order to secure lanes quicker and/or remove opposing Creeps easier.
- Hero Variables: Should you need a stronger early game, swap Magnus for Treant Protector.
- Items: Largely your choice, depending on your budget. Clazureme Hourglass is a must for lock-down on opponents' cards, while Hero's Cape provides massive sustain.
- Deck Code and Deck Preview
- Have a question about the Deck? Want to suggest variables or something better? Let us know!
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