Destiny 2 LFG: How To Find People To Play With
Finding a Fireteam in Destiny 2 is not intuitive, but if you want to conquer the high-level content you need to have someone to play with. If you are looking for people to play Destiny 2 with you should start with this list of tools. Fireteam Finder
The Fireteam Finder can be a bit daunting. The dropdown filters allow you to sort by Platform, Activity Type and Language, but the tool is web-based instead of being built into the game making it a second-screen choice and a muddied experience.
Depending on the activity and platform it can be anywhere from nearly instant to pedestrian when it comes to finding a group. This is the "official" way to find a group, but it isn't as well-publicized as it should be. I suggest trying this first and if it works for you then awesome. If not, here are some other options.
FTW Destiny 2 Group Finder
FTW offers another web-based tool to find a group in Destiny 2. The FTW Destiny 2 LFG Tool offers some options that aren't available in the official group finder.
You can filter by minimum power level, activity, class, platform, mic required or not required. This tool is not nearly as popular as the Bungie LFG tool, but it is an excellent choice and there is no reason to avoid it.
Discord Destiny 2 LFG
Discord began as a voice over IP product, but it has transformed into something much, much more. Not only can you chat on Discord, but it has become a messaging, forums, information dissemination, and community tool. It is almost indispensable if you play modern games with other players.
The Destiny 2 PC LFG server is far more complicated to use than either of the options we have listed above, but it is also much more powerful. There were over 1,000 people logged into this server at 11:00 AM on New Year's Eve. Finding a group was easy once I navigated my way through the registrations, roles, region choice, etc.
The instructions can be daunting but are worth reading.
How to use D2PCLFG
All of our LFG text chats are named by activity. If you are looking to do a raid simply find the LFG Room corresponding to the raid you would like to do.
EXAMPLES If you are looking for a group to do Leviathan , Eater of Worlds or Spire of Stars you would go to #lev-eow-sos-lfg If you are looking for a group to do Scourge of the Past you would go to #scourge-lfg If you are looking for a group to do Crown of Sorrows you would go to #deleted-channel
We also have rooms for other activities under our LFG TEXT CHANNELS Category (Listed in alphabetical order) such as Nightfall LFG #nightfall-lfg Crucible / Comp LFG #crucible-lfg Story Patrols and Public events, Strikes and Bounties - #story-lfg Gambit #gambit-lfg Escalation Protocol or Blind Wells #ep-wells-lfg Seasonal Events #events-lfg
Plus many more!
Raid Challenges Type !wishchal for Last Wish raid challenges
LFG - Looking for Group
LFM - Looking for More (People)
KWYD - Know what you're doing
KWTD - Know what to do
RR- Raid Room (Voice chat)
FTC - Fireteam Chat
While IN a voice room you may include .invite at the start of your LFG post to spawn a link to the voice room you are in! You can use the command .cap to adjust the minimum and maximum number of allowed users in your current voice channel.
These are three great options for your Destiny 2 LFG needs. If you need or want people to play with then we suggest starting with the official Bungie tool and if you are so inclined jumping into the Discord Server (if you are a PC player).
What do you use? Did we miss any great options? Let us know!
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