The Chronicles of Spellborn – Guide to Warrior Disciplines

by on Apr 12, 2009

In The Chronicles of Spellborn, players will start their adventures as one of three main archetypes: Rogue, Spellcaster or Warrior. Upon reaching level 5, new Disciplines become available...

In The Chronicles of Spellborn, players will start their adventures as one of three main archetypes: Rogue, Spellcaster or Warrior. Upon reaching level 5, new Disciplines become available for each archetype – think of these as Spellborn’s version of subclasses. While each individual Discipline will focus on a set of unique abilities and skills, elements of the core archetype will remain throughout the leveling experience. To help players new to the world of Spellborn with their initial Discipline selections, we’ve put together a series of handy guides detailing the strengths and unique abilities of each potential path.

The third guide to Discipline selection in The Chronicles of Spellborn focuses on the Warrior archetype’s three unique paths; Adept, Bloodwarrior or Wrathguard. Much like Rogues and Spellcasters, the Warrior Disciplines each offer a distinct way of playing within the archetype, allowing players to build a Warrior best suited to their individual playstyle.

Click here to read the full guide to Warrior Disciplines in The Chronicles of Spellborn!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016