Just in time for everyones favorite skeleton themed holiday Halloween, Ark has updated the servers with some spooky Skelesaurs and dead zombie dodos. Thats not all though, there's also a whole bunch of new items in the game you can use to throw a real festive halloween party with your island neighbors including a pumpkin, some spooky bats and much more. 

For those brave enough to face their fears, there will be a number of new items to craft and collection including thatch-rich scarecrows, custom Jack-o-Lantern carvings, Skelesaur Costumes, Candy-Corn loot drops, Witch Hats, Masks and a Saddle for your spider! You’ll also be granted the opportunity to tame endlessly-rejuvenating Zomdodos, Bats, show off artifacts collected from your adventures in the dangerous caves and of course earn a brand new Steam Achievement!

It seems like every game this year is taking part in Halloween and personally I love it. Nothing makes a game more immersive than when it celebrates a real holiday at the same time it's going on everywhere else. If you don't have Ark yet, it's on sale right now for 33% off!


To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Ark: Survivor Evolved Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016

About The Author

A man of many hats, Greg divides his precious gaming time between competitive games like League of Legends and Dota 2 and Action/ Adventure Games like GTA, and Destiny. At Ten Ton Hammer he specializes in making guides for new and veteran players alike.
