It's always exciting to follow games when they're getting their title close to the player testing and release cycles. This is the time when systems get announced, tweaked, and often times, drastically changed. This also means that announcements happen frequently, meaning, it's time to write about Skyforge again. Today, released more content for Skyforge by way of description and images: The Lanber Forest.

The Lanber Forest is a beautiful, sunny place, full of farming fields and a peaceful town at its center. It's the perfect place to raise a family, full of rolling hills surrounding its epicenter, the town of Kyris. If only The Lanber Forest could keep people in it, the town would be prosperous. Aelion's immortals are no strangers to the Lanber Lands, as they see pleas for help frequently as they watch over the world through the Divine Observatory, especially considering that most of who do dare enter the Lanber Lands are thieves, smugglers and criminals.

The largest issue that Kyris and its surrounding areas face are the Mantide – vicious creatures seeking revenge for the god who betrayed them. Nerion once looked over the Lanber Lands until he betrayed them by promising the Mantide power that they never got. Anyone entering the lands is seen as a follower of Nerion, condemned to horrible deaths to pay for their god.

Any citizens who still manage to survive are left with an enormous, daily reminder of their betrayal, as Nerion's Castle looms nearby. The immortals of Aelion are tasked with dealing with this treachery from Nerion, the infestation of the Mantide, and restoring order to the formerly peaceful lands of Lanber.

For me, one of the most immersive parts of games is the lore. I love learning the story of the world I'm a part of and finding characters to empathize with. A good story within a game will keep me sucked in. When a game is live, having a good way to inject the lore into the world proper and get its participants involved with what's going on is smart world design in my book. However, games like Skyforge have a large benefit of being able to deliver the story without a game available for anyone who wants to play. During the development cycle, releasing world-building stories like this makes a world I don't even have access to that much more richer and more alive. Reading about the plight of the Lanber Lands and its citizens definitely piques my interest in Skyforge a little more than it was yesterday without this land's history.  

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Skyforge Game Page.

Last Updated: Mar 18, 2016

About The Author

Vendolyn's been playing MMOs since 1999, although Vendolyn in-game often becomes a long-term shelved alt. When she's not gaming, she's likely marathoning some questionable TV show or babbling about music to no end. She really likes goats.


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