It's a new feature that gives you an overview of everything that has happened in the last month.
Hello folks!I am Andreas "Thee Nailros" Bettermann, Community Manager over here at Spellborn HQ. One of my tasks in this position is to keep our ever-growing community up to date about all the latest happenings to ensure everyone knows what's going on in the world of TCoS. To do so, we decided to introduce a new regular feature: the monthly Community Summary. The idea is to give everybody a short (Okay, I will TRY to keep it short...) summary of things going on over here.
Enjoy the read!
You will notice that yours truly was featured. If you haven't read my take on tCoS, you should. You'll like what you see of this game! (Not my writing of course.) You can read the community summary here.
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