Want To Play Skyforge This Weekend? Well you can through the magic of Google Chrome. Although the client will be in Russian, I'm sure if you partake in a couple of Vodka's on Saturday night you'll be able to understand what you're doing just fine. Here's what you'll need to do.
1. Go to https://sf.mail.ru/ and use Google Chrome to translate the page
2. Press the red button that says Sign up for the PTA
3. Make a new Mail RU account and once on the page, translate it into English.
4. Log back into the site using your new Mail.RU login details
5. Once logged in, hit the "Connect To Game" button and download the client.
6. If the game doesn't ask you to download the launcher, click the large red download button. Simples!
To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Skyforge Game Page.