Bungie Confirms Cayde-6 Isn't Coming Back
One long-dead hero, Saint-14 is returning to Destiny 2, but the same can't be said for fan-favorite Cayde-6.
Season of Dawn will see Saint-14 brought back through the machinations of Osiris and the hard work of guardians.
"Used to know a guy that ran Solar his whole life. We were good friends, him and me."
Bungie Senior Narrative Director, Jonathon To had this to say to fans who believed bringing Cayde-6 back was possible.
The time travel you’re going to see in Season of Dawn is localized to Mercury. Osiris failed on his mission to save Saint-14, first of all, and he was on a mission to save one Titan — no more, no less. He was only able to do it once.”
Jonathan To went on to say that the Sundial, the means of time travel being used to save Saint-14 only works on Mercury and that Cayde-6 didn't die there.
Sorry fans, I'm as disappointed as you are. I have to believe that at some point one of the most iconic characters in the game is going to somehow be brought back to us. Destiny 3 perhaps?
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