Welcome to this sixth day of October, 2014. I’m John “Boomjack” Hoskin and this is Here Comes The Boom – EP #23.
It’s Been A Long Wait
…,but Strongbad is back. Wamph, Wamph!
If you haven’t waned away your time in the past watching Strongbad emails then do yourself a favour and watch at least these two episodes.
Email is like a prison, except without walls, or toilets.
The System is down… the system is down…
In other news, some smart guy named Matt Lees produced what he feels is the true trailer for Destiny. It’s entertaining, but negative. Why is YouTube so angry about this game?
And even more hating on Destiny.
Oddly, everyone is playing it… one pal even said that he plays Destiny (a 7/10) scored game over Shadows of Mordor (apparently the best game made in the entire universe). Go figure…
I play with my son and we love the game. The beauty of it all is that it really doesn’t matter a whit what the cranky YouTubers are saying, even though they claim to be the voice of the people, because frankly…. Nobody cares! It’s great entertainment though.
Now entertain me cranky YouTubers… entertain me!
Vin Diesel Fact: Vin Diesel can win a game of Connect Four in three moves.
Now on to something more entertaining…
- Hearthstone deck of the week. Naxxramas Tempo Druid Deck
- Hearthstone's Road To BlizzCon recaps
- LOL Worlds – Chinese Rivalry
Because the real world is usually more humorous than the virtual one. Here are some real world stories. You can’t make this stuff up.
- From the The-Teeny-Tiny-Feces-Dept. – Dwarf Poops In Council Office
- From the Dumb-and-Dumber-Dept. – Hipsters embrace Dumbphones
- From the Bubblewrap-and-Foam-Dept. – Swings Too Dangerous for Washington Schools.
If you received even an iota of enjoyment from this then please support both myself and TenTonHammer by doing one of more of the following:
- Read my previous columns
- HCTB 22: Free Steam Keys
- HCTB 21: Destiny Bounty Guides
- HCTB 20: Destiny Video Farming Guides
- HCTB 19: Casino Cave Closed
- HCTB 18: Why Light Is Important in Destiny
- HCTB 17: Do You Like Green Engrams?
- HCTB 16: Destiny Is A Nursery Rhyme
- HCTB 15: Is This My Destiny?
- HCTB 14: Censored
- HCTB 13: Hype and Hope
- HCTB 12: Irritated by Ice Bucket Challenge
- HCTB 11: Censored
- HCTB 10: I Got Fireflied
- HCTB 9: Gaming Junkets, Do We Need Them?
- HCTB 8: Need For Speed or Gaming Gourmand
- HCTB 7: Every Breath You Take
- HCTB 6: Dear LPBs and Twitch
- HCTB 5: Comments
- HCTB 4: If MMO Fans Were World Cup Fans
- HCTB 3: Censored
- HCTB 2: Censored
- HCTB 1: EA vs Activision
- Follow me on Twitter (@BoomjackTTH)
- Whitelist us if you use adblocking software
- Comment below (even a “this sucks” will do)
Thanks again. I appreciate your support. Who’s awesome? You’re awesome!
To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Destiny Game Page.