Raptors are one of the most iconic Dinosaurs there are, they’re deadly, fast and very smart. Add to that fact that you can ride them in Ark: Survivor Evolved and it’s no wonder that almost every new player is scrambling to tame one as fast as they can. Before you can tame one you’ll have a bunch of materials to collect and then you’ll have to find the raptor. We’ve documented our Raptor taming experience, which should help prepare you for when you head out to get yours.

Narcotics/ Narco Berries

The level of raptor you try to tame will have an effect on how much they use in terms of food and Narco, but it’s generally always a good idea to overstock on both. For Raptors lvl 1 – 30 you will need around 20 – 30 Narcotics, or at least 3 times that in Narco Berries. Above level 30 and you can add around 10 more narcotics, but you should probably bring at least 50.


The ideal food for Raptors is of course Prime Meat which will make the taming process go much faster, but since that is in short supply you will probably be primarily using regular raw meat. Depending on the level the amount of meat required will vary a bit, but you should plan on bringing 50 raw meat just to be safe and to account for some spoiling.

Knocking out a Raptor

Raptors are fairly easy animals to knock out. If you want to do it the most efficient way, tranquilizer arrows are the way to go. Two or three tranq arrows should be enough to get the job done on almost any lvl of raptor.

If you’ve got no tranquilizer arrows, you can do it the old fashioned way with a slingshot and/ or punches. Aim for the head for the best effect while constantly back peddling to avoid getting bit.

It’s always a good idea to lure the animal you’re taming to a relatively safe place so that they aren’t attacked or exposed to other players while in that vulnerable state.

The Taming Process

Prime meat will make the process a lot faster, but generally it will take between 0.5 to 1.5 hours to completely tame a raptor (dependent on level as well). Ensure that they are completely stocked on meat and have a torpor level above 50% to avoid them waking up, and to keep the taming process going smoothly.

Taming efficiency is also effected by the food you feed your Raptor as well as whether you use Narco Berries or Narcotic. When possible, always use Narcotics and Prime Meat to increase the taming effectiveness and get those extra levels.

To read the latest guides, news, and features you can visit our Ark: Survivor Evolved Game Page.

Last Updated: Aug 07, 2021

About The Author

A man of many hats, Greg divides his precious gaming time between competitive games like League of Legends and Dota 2 and Action/ Adventure Games like GTA, and Destiny. At Ten Ton Hammer he specializes in making guides for new and veteran players alike.
