This page will always show the latest Overwatch tier list for ranked / competitive play specifically on Lijiang Tower. If you want to view our "overall" Tier List, you can do so here.

This Overwatch tier list is designed to rank Heroes in terms of their strength in the current meta on Lijiang Tower. Although some Heroes are considered balanced or niche, those that aren't Tier 1 or 2 shouldn't be considered poor. While any match can be won with any Hero, this list is designed to present you with the strongest or Heroes that are most often picked on this map.

Important! This is not a list of which Heroes are played in professional games.  Those players have the luxury of full pre-made teams with prepared strategy and tactics.   Most competitive players have none of these things. 

Tier List Descriptors

Tier 1 - These popular Heroes are used by the majority of teams, for the majority of any match. They're always a solid choice. 

Tier 2 - Very strong Heroes that are seen in every match, but they are also regularly swapped in and out (80%-100% pickrate)

Tier 3 - Strong situational Heroes or Heroes that are played regularly, but not in every match due to team composition or map choice. Considered 'balanced' (40%-80% pickrate).  

Tier 4 - These Heroes are sometimes picked and often considered good, but they require teams to form around them or they’re Heroes that rely heavily on personal ability over composition (20-40% pickrate).

Tier 5 - Considered niche, these Heroes are situational or rarely see competitive play (Less than 5% pickrate)

Tier List Movement

  • Moved Zenyatta from T2 to T3 - 2nd support is now a toss-up between Zen and Ana
  • Moved Winston from T4 to T3 - the close quarters of this map lend itself to Winston's abilities. 

Tier List

Tier 1





Lucio [Guide] Support Medium  His mobility is a huge advantage out of the gate.  The first team to the point often wins the point and the game.   His AE heals are incredibly powerful on control points maps as your team is often clumped.   Wall ride the "gazebos" on Lijiang to stay out of harm's way and use your alternate fire to push enemies off ledges to their death.   Most of all.... keep moving. 
Reinhardt [Guide] Tank Easy His Barrier Field is incredibly useful as your team is always either pushing into an entrenched position or trying to hold one.   Your ultimate can often stun 3 or more of the enemy, so use it wisely.   Likewise your L-Shift is powerful as enemies are often very close to you.   Don't hesitate to start swinging if squishy bad guys are within reach. 

Tier 2





D.Va [Guide] Tank Medium  Good damage in close quarters and you will often be in close quarters.  Her ultimate can clear the point to save the game or extend Overtime.   L-Shift can bounce enemies over ledges.  This is a great map set for D.Va. 
McCree [Guide] Assault Medium McCree is very wekk rounded other than long ranges. Keep your Flashbang ready as there are many corners to surprise enemies.. 
Mercy [Guide] Support Medium Resurrection on control point maps is always powerful.  Take care that you have very little room to escape.  Use the map features to try and stay out of line of sight of enemies while still keeping your beams up on your team.  
Roadhog [Guide]  Tank Medium Your sustain is your boon on these maps.  You are hard to remove from a point and enemies are forced to come to you which is great.  Problems arise when you have to take a point from the enemy.   You can't do it yourself and coordinated efforts in Competitive aren't always that coordinated. 
Zarya [Guide] Tank Medium She needs to duck in and out of combat to be most effective and that can be challenging on these maps.  That said, she offers great shielding, her ultimate is made for these maps and you can charge your attack in no time at all.  Good players will rule.  Bad players will drool. 

Tier 3





Genji [Guide] Assault Hard Always tough to put in a Tier, because he is the most player-centric Hero in the game.  He's great or terrible with little in between.  Close quarters on control maps mean his ult is powerful.   That said, he can't stick on the point well due to his low HP.    
Junkrat [Guide] Defence Medium Clearing points is his specialty.  Fire through windows; leave traps and landmines in doors and entrances and make a nuisance of yourself.   On the Control Center map, get up as high as you can and rain down damage.  You can trap the door up there to let you know when somebody is coming. 
Mei [Guide] Defence Hard If your team controls the point she can be effective.   Otherwise, she is a liability as she can't clear well without a lot of help. 
Pharah [Guide] Assault Medium AE damage against clumped up teams.   Perfect!  Get with a Zarya to really lay down the hurt.  You can't hold the point well, but you can clear it and help keep it clear. 
Reaper [Guide] Assault Medium Control points usually mean at least two tanks on the other team and who do you kill best?  Tanks.  That said, you aren't a frontliner and Lijiang punishes anyone who can't stand on the point.  Play smart. 
Soldier: 76 [Guide] Assault Easy The baseline Hero in the game is exactly that on Lijiang. He can sort of stand on the point given his E, but he can't stay there for long.  he can clear it with his ultimate, but he needs space to work most effectively that isn't available on this map set.   If your team can hold the point then stay out and suppress the enemy.  
Winston [Guide] Tank Easy His ultimate can push enemies off the point (and over ledges). He can also leap out to deal with pesky dps that don't want to stand on the point. 
Zenyatta [Guide] Support Medium He's a good 2nd support choice as he can amplify team damage. 

Tier 4





Hanzo [Guide] Defence Medium Too squishy to hold the point, but his ult can clear it.   There are much better choices. 
Tracer [Guide] Assault Hard Your ult can be effective against lower ranked players, but there isn't much flanking and standing on a point isn't your cup of tea.    A good Tracer can keep Overtime going almost indefinately, but with a better Hero you probably wouldn't have had Overtime in the first place. 

Tier 5





Bastion [Guide] Defence Easy Powerful against very weak player.  Too exposed with too few long sightlines to be effective on this map set. 
Symmetra [Guide] Defence Easy Sentries are nigh useless and the teleporter isn't really needed.   She's weak on this map set. 
Torbjorn [Guide] Defence Easy Automated turrets are a nuisance, but too easily cleared on this map set. 
Widowmaker [Guide] Defence Medium Too squishy to hold the point and the lack of good sightlines makes her a liability. 

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Last Updated: Nov 23, 2016
