Lest We Forget

by on Nov 11, 2014

In Canada, we call this Remembrance Day and though we should do it more often (and by often I mean always), this is the one day where we as a country take time together and remember those that made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could live free.

Welcome to this eleventh day of November, 2014.   I’m John “Boomjack” Hoskin and this is Here Comes The Boom – EP #32

Lest We Forget.

In Canada, we call this Remembrance Day and though we should do it more often (and by often I mean always), this is the one day where we as a country take time together and remember those that made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could live free.

From my family to the families of everyone who has lost a loved one in defence of our freedom I say “Thank You”.    It isn’t nearly enough, but it is heartfelt. 

In 1915, during the Second Battle of Ypres, Major John McCrae, a Canadian military doctor was asked to conduct the burial service for a fallen comrade.   That fallen soldier, it turned out, was his friend Lieutenant Alexis Helmer.  

After the service, Major McCrae began to draft the following poem.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.


We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

I have heard this poem since I was a child and every time it affects me in the same way.   As a society we have changed, some strange sense of entitlement has crept into the fabric of our being.  We find it harder to enjoy the little things in life. 

On at least this one day, try to imagine being Alexis Helmer or John McCrae on a field far from home, willing to sacrifice your own life so that others who you will never even meet could live in peace and enjoy the bounty that we have today.    

So again, “Thank you” to the veterans from all nations who made the ultimate sacrifice.   We remember.

Though, somehow, it doesn’t seem appropriate today, here is the humour that you probably came to this column to read.   I’ll give my BlizzCon impressions in the next column.  

Vin Diesel Fact: Vin Diesel can kill two stones with one bird.

Gaming News

What does Goblins vs Gnomes mean for Hearthstone? BlizzCon Wrap-up

Because the real world is usually more humorous than the virtual one.   Here are some real world stories.  You can’t make this stuff up.

From the It’s-Parrot-Rogue-Not-Rouge-Dammit-Dept. – Parrot Picks Locks to Escape From the ISIS-Dead-or-ISIS-Alive-Dept. – ISIS Leader is Dead or Alive

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HCTB 31: It’s Duty, Not Doody HCTB 30: 5 Things You Won’t See at BlizzCon HCTB 29: 36 Warlords of Draenor Facts HCTB 28: All About That Base HCTB 27: Sexually Suggestive Content Gets Twitched HCTB 26: Memories and Moments HCTB 25: Winners and Losers – Iron Tide HCTB 24: First World Gamer Problems HCTB 23: Strongbad is Back HCTB 22: Free Steam Keys HCTB 21: Destiny Bounty Guides HCTB 20: Destiny Video Farming Guides HCTB 19: Casino Cave Closed HCTB 18: Why Light Is Important in Destiny HCTB 17: Do You Like Green Engrams? HCTB 16: Destiny Is A Nursery Rhyme HCTB 15: Is This My Destiny? HCTB 14:  Censored HCTB 13: Hype and Hope HCTB 12: Irritated by Ice Bucket Challenge HCTB 11: Censored HCTB 10: I Got Fireflied HCTB 9: Gaming Junkets, Do We Need Them? HCTB 8: Need For Speed or Gaming Gourmand HCTB 7: Every Breath You Take HCTB 6: Dear LPBs and Twitch HCTB 5: Comments HCTB 4: If MMO Fans Were World Cup Fans HCTB 3: Censored HCTB 2: Censored HCTB 1: EA vs Activision Follow me on Twitter (@BoomjackTTH) Whitelist us if you use adblocking software Comment below (even a “this sucks” will do)

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016