Things To Do - In The Queue

by on Nov 17, 2014

I thought BlizzCon was a wild ride. I enjoyed it immensely. It did not prepare me for onslaught of players who have come back to play Warlords of Draenor.

Welcome to this 17th day of November, 2014.   I’m John “Boomjack” Hoskin and this is Here Comes The Boom episode #34.


I thought BlizzCon was a wild ride.  I enjoyed it immensely.  It did not prepare me for onslaught of players who have come back to play Warlords of Draenor.  

I play on an extremely busy server.   Area-52 or Queue-5200 as we now affectionately call it has become a roadblock in my mission to not only play Warlords of Draenor, but ultimately, to tell you about so that you can make an informed decision. 

At the time of writing this (Insert Law and Order Ba-dum-bum sound) November 15th, Evening, East Coast of North America. I am #5,569 in the queue to be able to login.  Estimated time: 461 minutes.

Things To Do While You Wait in Queue

With that in mind, here are a few things that that take less time that sitting in the WoW server queue.  Many thanks to David Piner for adding to my list.

Roast a turkey for Thanksgiving. Watch Interstellar. Fill a large pool with a garden hose. Determining how many licks it takes to get the center of a Tootsie Pop. Watch the WoW documentary. Teach Kim Kardashian to read. Fly from New York to Los Angeles. Watch an entire NFL, NHL or NBA game. Watch someone level to 100 on Twitch. Watch a season of the Simpsons. Bake a cake. Get a full night’s rest. Create a human being. Download Hearthstone. Do heart transplant surgery. Build a PC from scratch, including installing Windows. For light to travel to Earth and back to the Sun 28 times. Enjoy eight dentist appointments. NASA sending an unmanned mission to the Moon. Walk 24 miles. Run with the bulls. Go out to the store and buy a console with Destiny, complete the first couple of planets or most of the single player story. Work seven and a half hours at minimum wage to earn enough money for the level 90 upgrade, make a new character on an unpopulated server, buy the level 90 upgrade. Ride two rides at Disney World. Read every issue of HCTB and comment two times, once on the article and another with a sock puppet account to agree with you. Hand write a letter to Blizzard explaining how angry you are at them, demanding not only a refund but the postage for the letter, then sending it first class at the post office. Get through half of the line at the Post Office. Play 24 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare PvP matches. Run a marathon. Do an entire week of P90X. Read every story on the front page of Cook 57 hard-boiled eggs, one at a time.

You could do any of those things and in some cases more than one of them.   Hopefully queues are “fixed” this week.   In the meantime, what can you add to this list? Hit the comments below.  



Now on to your regular schedule nonsense…

Vin Diesel Fact: Vin Diesel can unscramble an egg.

Gaming News

Warlords of Draenor Guides Is ArenaNet Working on a Guild Wars 2 Expansion Garrison Resource Farming Guide

Real World News

You can’t make this stuff up…

From the It-Beats-Wash-Me-Dept. – Dirty Car Artist From the RIP-Black-Friday-Dept. – Long Live Black Week From the Ewe-Got-Problems-Dept. – Student Has Sex With Sheep

If you received even an iota of enjoyment from this then please support both myself and TenTonHammer by doing one of more of the following:

Read my previous columns
HCTB 33: Who’s Overwatching The Overwatchers HCTB 32: Lest We Forget HCTB 31: It’s Duty, Not Doody HCTB 30: 5 Things You Won’t See at BlizzCon HCTB 29: 36 Warlords of Draenor Facts HCTB 28: All About That Base HCTB 27: Sexually Suggestive Content Gets Twitched HCTB 26: Memories and Moments HCTB 25: Winners and Losers – Iron Tide HCTB 24: First World Gamer Problems HCTB 23: Strongbad is Back HCTB 22: Free Steam Keys HCTB 21: Destiny Bounty Guides HCTB 20: Destiny Video Farming Guides HCTB 19: Casino Cave Closed HCTB 18: Why Light Is Important in Destiny HCTB 17: Do You Like Green Engrams? HCTB 16: Destiny Is A Nursery Rhyme HCTB 15: Is This My Destiny? HCTB 14:  Censored HCTB 13: Hype and Hope HCTB 12: Irritated by Ice Bucket Challenge HCTB 11: Censored HCTB 10: I Got Fireflied HCTB 9: Gaming Junkets, Do We Need Them? HCTB 8: Need For Speed or Gaming Gourmand HCTB 7: Every Breath You Take HCTB 6: Dear LPBs and Twitch HCTB 5: Comments HCTB 4: If MMO Fans Were World Cup Fans HCTB 3: Censored HCTB 2: Censored HCTB 1: EA vs Activision Follow me on Twitter (@BoomjackTTH) Whitelist us if you use adblocking software Comment below (even a “this sucks” will do)


 Thanks again.  I appreciate your support.   Who’s awesome?  You’re awesome!

Last Updated: Mar 18, 2016