Loading... Sunny Forecast for PC Gaming

by on May 27, 2009

An update on the Jumpgate Evolution delay announcement, news that 38 Studios has indeed acquired Big Huge Games as rumored (though the "why" might surprise you), and a new market forecast showing that PC hardware sales will eclipse console sales this year

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An update on the Jumpgate Evolution delay announcement, news that 38 Studios has indeed acquired Big Huge Games as rumored (though the "why" might surprise you), and a new market forecast showing that PC hardware sales will eclipse console sales this year and rise by over 20% next year fuels today's Ten Ton Hammer daily newsletter. Plus links to a new City of Heroes fifth anniversary dev diary, The Mittani rounds up the Goonswarm faithful in his latest EVE Online column, and an interestingly exclusive Vanguard state of the game Q&A round out Loading... Sunny Forecast for PC Gaming.

Coyote's It's All Geek to Me is the lighter side of Ten Ton Hammer. Read his humor column daily at Ten Ton Hammer. Today's topic: Dress for Success (and by success we mean eternal virginity.)

The Pulse

You vote with what you view at Ten Ton Hammer, and the result is the Ten Ton Pulse (What is Pulse?).

Here's today's top 5 Pulse results for today:

World of Warcraft Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures EverQuest 2 Warhammer Online (UP 1) Lord of the Rings Online (down 1)

Biggest Movers in the Top 20 today:

Darkfall (UP 25!! to #14 - read why) City of Heroes (UP 7 to #12 - read why) Star Trek Online (UP 6 to #6 - read why) Recent MMO Releases 5/11 - Chronicles of Spellborn 1.0.4 - "Scrolls of Keys and Courage" (patch) 5/15 - EVE Online Apocrypha 1.2 (patch) 5/19 - Warrior Epic (launch date) 5/19 - Vanguard "Halls of Pantheon" (content patch) 5/22 - Dragonica (CBT key giveaway) Upcoming Releases 8/25 - CrimeCraft (release date) 9/1 - Champions Online (release date) ?? - Jumpgate Evolution (release date) Important Dates 5/30 - Final block of BlizzCon 2009 tickets on sale. 6/2 - 6/4 - E3 2009

Loading... Daily

Yesterday NetDevil CEO Scott "Scorch" Brown confirmed that Jumpgate Evolution, the first space MMO to put you in the cockpit since the original Jumpgate, confirmed a delay from its late June release date, with no new date set.

We caught up with Grace Wong, NetDevil's PR face and one of the most pleasant people to work with in the industry, in hopes of prying loose some vague notion of Jumpgate Evolution's new timetable, but came up dry. “The only thing I can really say is that it is our intention to ship the game as soon as it is ready, but not before. While it's always good to set target dates and consider the implications of releasing on one day vs. another our #1 driving factor is to have a high quality game experience; so that's really what we're aiming for.”

Player reaction is disappointed, but steady. One viewer wrote in complaining that NetDevil had sentenced him to a summer of long afternoons and evenings at the beach with his family. It's a horrible fate, but we must endure. I'd much rather be playing JGE too... the sun, it burns.


Moving along, the scuttlebutt early last month indicated that Curt Schilling's 38 Studios was going to acquire Big Huge Games and it's two in-development titles, God: The Game and The Ascendant, from THQ. That rumor came true today, as 38 Studios took on the struggling studio's "proprietary IP, tools, technology, assets, and works-in-progress" for an undisclosed sum.

I was a big fan of BHG's earlier efforts, Rise of Nations in particular, but really have no interest in their current projects, though the art style of The Ascendant seems to mesh pretty well with what little we've seen of Copernicus. For that matter, the tone of the press release seems to indicate that 38 acquired BHG to further its own work with Copernicus rather than to continue BHG's projects on their own terms.

From Brett Close, 38 Studios CEO (emphasis mine) : "BHG’s cross-platform RTS/RPG engine will accelerate the realization of our Online Entertainment Experience (TM) for the Copernicus IP. The acquisition enables us to develop and deliver top-quality games in multiple genres that are based in a shared world, ultimately maximizing the value of our Copernicus MMOG and the intellectual property as a whole."

Usually press releases are filled with facile optimism - the written equivalent of a photo op -but this quote may reveal that the Copernicus concept is larger than we were expecting, both in terms of availability (PC and gaming consoles) and that 38 Studios may work the Copernicus world from multiple angles, developing several games that service the IP much like Schilling and Salvatore's touchstone, SOE, did with EverQuest: Champions of Norrath PS2 title and SOE's growing portfolio of digital trading card games. It's interesting stuff, but Copernicus fans should hope that 38's technical talent can match their glut of creative talent and that 38 doesn't bite off more than it can chew on their first big project.


Finally, some good news for the die-hard PC gamers among us today. It's been a rough couple of years for us, with shelf-space shrinking at all the retail stores, relatively few must-play PC exclusives, the disappointment of the Games for Windows initiative, DRM gone wild, and some lackluster first ventures into digital distribution in general. One study by a leading tech market researcher hints that things are going to change, and soon.

From the latest Jon Peddie Research market forecast, exquisitely timed to coincide with E3 next week: "The total PC Gaming Hardware market is forecasted to drop $1.4 billion (-7%) in 2009 versus 2008 (from $20.07 to $18.65 billion.). The decline is due to reduced sales because of the recession, and lower prices on PCs and components (also due to the recession and competitive pressures.) But, in such an environment, PC gaming systems seem to have suffered the least discounting which illustrates the value consumers place on such systems." The forecase predicted that sales would rise by over $5 billion in 2010.

So, in short, the bad news is that lower sales in 2009 equal less hardware development and software investment, but the good news is that hardware is relatively cheap right now, that consumers recognize that a good gaming PC is good for more than gaming, and our brand of gaming hasn't been hit as hard as, say, console gaming. And here's the proof: "In 2009 the PC Gaming Hardware Market, approaching $19 billion, is forecasted to eclipse the hardware market for all gaming consoles combined by almost $2 billion. (Console costs include the console, a certain amount of accessories, and a factor for the cost of an HDTV to display the games on.)"

Those in the know have long predicted that peak console sales were a fad due to the high cost vs. moderate selling price of the hardware. I'd add that the reach of console titles has exceeded its grasp - the console game "catalog", though impressive, is littered with cheap knockoffs and games packaged to sell rather than to really satisfy or build a reputation for quality. PC games have already gone through something of a winnowing process. These games shine brightest when infinite and infinitely varied replayability comes into play, especially in MMORPGs and grand strategy games, and I don't think I'm being overly positive when I say that the sense of satisfaction the best of these predominantly PC games bring has a bright future.


It was a pretty full day in the news and I'm leaving a lot on the table today. Do you agree with this market forecast? and do you think PC gaming is headed for a serious rebound? Let's take the discussion to the Loading... forum, or as usual, feel free to email me.

Shayalyn's Epic Thread of the Day

From our Contest Announcements Forum

Age of Conan Find the King's Seals Anniversary Contest

A lifetime of free AoC? How can you go wrong?

could win a lifetime of Age of Conan all for the price of some time
spent hunting for the King's 25 silver seals, plus one gold seal.
Imagine having triple-A MMOG that you can log into any time without a
subscription. I have a lifetime subscription to one game, and I can
tell you that it's pretty cool knowing that I can launch, patch, and
check out the latest content update any time I please, even after I've
set aside the game for a while.

Ten Ton Hammer is participating in the hunt for the King's seals, and you'll find 6 hidden on our Age of Conan community site. Happy hunting!

Awesome Quotes from the Epic Thread

"Blood...guts...gore....prizes. What more can you possibly ask for? "

- Martuk

Have you spotted an Epic Thread on our forums? Tell us!

4 new MMOG hand-crafted articles today! 83 in May! 609 in 2009!

New MMOG Articles At Ten Ton Hammer Today [Thanks Phil Comeau for links and Real World News]

City of Heroes: Exclusive Dev Diary with Bruce Harlick - A Circle of Fifths

In music, a circle of fifths shows the relationship between notes and scales. City of Heroes Senior Designer Bruce Harlick chose the analogy to describe what his team has done for the fifth anniversary of the premier superhero MMO, as Paragon Studios seeks to bring one of the game's most celebrated icons - the Union Jack-bedecked and now-deceased Hero 1 - and most infamous villain groups - 5th Column and it's powerful leader Reichsman - full circle. Paragon is pulling out all the stops for City of Heroes' fifth anniversary, so check out Bruce Harlick's dev diary for a number of rare details on these events in A Circle of Fifths: Designing the Ultimate Fifth Anniversary Task Force and Strike Force. EVE Online: Sins of a Solar Spymaster #13 - The Participation Game

The Great War in EVE Online continues in this week's Sins of a Solar Spymaster. After his eventful (and painful) trip to Las Vegas, the Mittani had to help rally the Swarm and get their participation levels back up to drive off the KenZoku horde that was assailing their borders. But how does one go about getting hundreds of pilots to log into EVE? Read on to find out! geeked: Pick-Up Lines #2

Ten Ton Hammer's very own satirical webcomic on all things geek-related is back with another attempt by Pappy to get the boys some lady-friend action. It's not going well, to say the least.
Be sure to catch up on any issues of Geeked you've missed by visiting our Comics Portal. Don't forget to rate your favorites while you're at it! Vanguard: Exclusive State of the Game Q&A

The journey has been tough for Vanguard from its wildly-hyped development to its rocky launch. Even though Sony Online Entertainment has poured the man hours and resources into the title it purchased from the now defunct Sigil Games, the stigma of stability issues and not fully substantiated hype still plagues the game's buzz on the web. Current Vanguard subscribers know a good thing when they see it, but will SOE ever be able to overcome the bias of the general public?
Silam Grant, Senior Game Designer for Vanguard, fielded an array of tough questions from Ten Ton Hammer's Danny "Ralsu" Gourley. Grant's answers address SOE's commitment to the title, outline the priorities of the development team, and reveal a little about the future of Vanguard.

Hot Content - Or, what I took a fancy to: Star Trek Online: Exclusive Interview with Craig Zinkievich FusionFall Swag Giveaway geeked: Classic Pick-Up Lines #1 Premium Content: Gamers Behaving Badly - Hacks, Griefs and Cheats Disciple Launch Interview with CEO Toby Batton Staff Farewell Tribute to Tony 'RadarX' Jones geeked: Puttin' On The Ritz Champions Online: Exclusive Powers and Customization Interview EVE Online: Sins of a Solar Spymaster #12 - Proxy Wars - The Fall of ISS Silkroad Online: Legend IV Tour

Real World News

Fate of man who decapitated fellow bus passenger may not be made public

My guess is that he will beheading to a psychiatric prison ward. Man survives car wreck only to be killed by oncoming train

Police expect to apprehend the train engineer shortly, as he left tracks leading away from the scene of the accident. Woman found hiding in bushes after killing father over a biscuit

Defence hopes to get her off with only a fern warning, plan to ficus this all the way.  Prosecution says it’s hopeless, shrub their shoulders in dismay.

Thanks for visiting the Ten Ton Hammer network!

-Jeff "Ethec" Woleslagle and the Ten Ton Hammer team

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016